Most of our registry is at Bed Bath & Beyond. Items which show up as unavailable on the web can frequently be ordered over the phone (1-800-462-3966).

Some additional items are listed at Williams-Sonoma. (1-877-812-6235)

We also have a registry at Amazon for a few things that were most reasonable and available there.

We have also received a generous gift of china place settings. We are registered at Byron Cade for serving pieces and 12 soup bowls to complete the set. If no items appear on the web registry, the store can be reached by phone (1-800-777-4701). The manufacturer is Lenox, and the pattern is “Rutledge”. This is a long-established pattern that is also available from other sellers and directly from Lenox.

The links here should be directly to the registry, but if you call or go to the store and need to search, the registry is under Theresa’s name, we registered in North Carolina, and the event date is May 16, 2009.